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Name Departments
Kasey M. Adams
Billing and Compliance Audit Director
Management Indiana, Michigan, Ohio
Greg Baer
Courier Supervisor
Regional Markets Ohio
Caitlin Coriell, CPT
Operations Supervisor, Central Ohio
Regional Markets Ohio
Troy Domke
Logistical Supervisor
Regional Markets Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio
Rebecca K. Duncan, CPT(IAPS)
Operations Supervisor, Cleveland
Regional Markets Ohio
Miguel A. Every
Director of Finance
Management Indiana, Michigan, Ohio
Amy Glover, CPT(IAPS)
Operations Supervisor, Lima/Ft. Wayne
Regional Markets Indiana, Ohio
Renee Goins, AAS, CMA
Operations Supervisor, Indianapolis
Regional Markets Indiana
Vicki L. Hite
Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Management Indiana, Michigan, Ohio
Mary E. Keller, CT (ASCP)
Cytology Manager
Management Indiana, Michigan, Ohio
Sarah L. Mahoney, HT (ASCP)
Histology Manager & Safety Officer
Management Indiana, Michigan, Ohio
Lisa Marie
Manager, Human Resources
Management Indiana, Michigan, Ohio
Marian C. McVicker
Senior Vice President, Business Affairs
Management Indiana, Michigan, Ohio
Micharde X. Saint-Victor, MLS (ASCP)CM, CPCO (AACP)
Director, Technical Operations
Management Indiana, Michigan, Ohio
Karen Varwig
Senior Manager, RCM
Management Indiana, Michigan, Ohio
David L. Worrell, MLT (ASCP)
Interim, General Manager
Management Indiana, Michigan, Ohio
Kristy Zieroff, NCPT(NCCT)
Phlebotomy Supervisor, Toledo
Regional Markets Ohio
Ericka Zura
Procurement Supervisor
Regional Markets Indiana, Michigan, Ohio